This is where you can browse products in this store.
$135.00 – $270.00
$135.00 – $270.00
$135.00 – $270.00
$135.00 – $270.00
- Included are chitons, clams, mussels, whelks, snails, and nudibranchs. When abundant, scaphopods and/or frilled sea hares may be included.
$135.00 – $270.00
$99.00 – $129.50
$135.00 – $216.50
$135.00 – $191.00
$135.00 – $270.00
Arius felis
Each Dozzen small ---123
Each Dozzen small ---123
Each Dozzen small ---123
Each Dozzen small ---123
Hardhead sea catfish (Arius felis)
Spheroides nephelus
Southern puffer (Spheroides nephelus)
Lactophrys tricornis
A cowfish (Lactophrys tricornis)
Balistes capriscus
Grey triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) at Gulf Specimen Marine Lab and Aquarium.
Monacanthus hispidus
$13.00 – $17.00
Gobiesox strumosus
Clingfish or skilletfish (Gobiesox strumosus)
Symphurus plagiusa
Trinectes maculatus
Hogchoker (Trinectes maculatus)
Paralichthys oblongus
Four-spotted flounder (Paralichthys oblongus)
Paralichthys albigutta
$21.50 – $34.50
Mugil cephalus.
Serranus subligarius
Belted sandfish (Serranus subligarius)
Chasmodes saburrae and other species
Feather blennie (Hypsoblennius henzi)
Halichoeres bivittatus
Green wrasse (Halichoeres bivittatus) at Gulf Specimen Marine Lab in Panacea, FL.
Prionotus scitulus, P. tribulus
Bighead searobin (Prionotus tribulus)
Scorpaena brasiliensis
A scorpionfish (Scorpaena brasiliensis)
Chaetodipterus faber
$45.00 – $56.50
Atlantic spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber)
Diplodus holbrookii
Lagodon rhomboides
Lagodon rhomboides
$10.00 – $67.50
$31.50 – $48.00
Small, striped barnacle growing abundantly on rock and shell.
A tiny, flattened fragile form that lives on Spartina.
$25.50 – $70.00
A large, flat barnacle, epizootic on crabs and diamondback terrapins. Basal ramifications extend into the integument of its host. Shipped attached to crab, it usually outlasts all other barnacles in a closed system. Size: 1-2 cm.
Gorgonian barnacle, lives embedded in the colony.
A degenerate parasitic barnacle that attacks crabs, Callinectes sapidus, sending branching roots throughout their bodies. This alters sexual characters and prevents molting in the crab. The barnacle is reduced to little except reproductive and absorptive tissues and represents parasitic modification at its most extreme form. Don’t just look at the textbook drawings; order the living animal attached to its host crab. Sporadically available.