Porifera / Sponges

Once considered ‘sea vegetables’, sponges are animals made up with simple arrangements of cells that lack organs. They grow from tiny encrusting colonies a few cells thick to massive boulders with a dazzling array of form and color. Some species are living habitats with numerous commensal anemones, polychaete worms, brittle stars, crabs, shrimps, and nudibranchs living deep within their protective canal systems partaking of the food and oxygen-bearing currents that are pumped throughout the colonies. They provide shelter for smaller organisms in the tank. Because sponges are natural suspension feeders, they help filter aquarium water. Generally, sponges are best kept in cooler water, 60F to 70F.
Watch sponge videos on youtube: Porifera-estrutura (French)
$135.00 – $270.00

$135.00 – $270.00

$135.00 – $270.00

$135.00 – $270.00

- Included are chitons, clams, mussels, whelks, snails, and nudibranchs. When abundant, scaphopods and/or frilled sea hares may be included.
$135.00 – $270.00

$99.00 – $129.50

$135.00 – $216.50
$135.00 – $191.00

$135.00 – $270.00
Arius felis
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Hardhead sea catfish (Arius felis)
Spheroides nephelus

Southern puffer (Spheroides nephelus)
Lactophrys tricornis

A cowfish (Lactophrys tricornis)
Balistes capriscus

Grey triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) at Gulf Specimen Marine Lab and Aquarium.
Monacanthus hispidus
$13.00 – $17.00

Gobiesox strumosus

Clingfish or skilletfish (Gobiesox strumosus)
Symphurus plagiusa

Trinectes maculatus

Hogchoker (Trinectes maculatus)
Paralichthys oblongus

Four-spotted flounder (Paralichthys oblongus)
Paralichthys albigutta
$21.50 – $34.50

Mugil cephalus.

Serranus subligarius

Belted sandfish (Serranus subligarius)
Chasmodes saburrae and other species

Feather blennie (Hypsoblennius henzi)
Halichoeres bivittatus

Green wrasse (Halichoeres bivittatus) at Gulf Specimen Marine Lab in Panacea, FL.
Prionotus scitulus, P. tribulus

Bighead searobin (Prionotus tribulus)
Scorpaena brasiliensis

A scorpionfish (Scorpaena brasiliensis)
Chaetodipterus faber
$45.00 – $56.50

Atlantic spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber)
Diplodus holbrookii

Lagodon rhomboides

Lagodon rhomboides






