Warty Sea Anemone

Cn-251 WARTY SEA ANEMONE, Bunodosoma cavernata

A hardy brownish green anemone with vertical pale blue columnar dots and small retractile tentacles that lives on rocks and jetties in the intertidal zone. Size: 2-4 cm.


Sea anemones are not plants but sessile animals. However, they are capable of moving by crawling. They temporarily but firmly attach themselves to hard surfaces like rocks. Anemones shrink and fold in their tentacles when exposed to air (Fotheringham and Rothschild, 1950).


(Miner 1950)


β-Alanine metabolism and high salinity stress in the sea anemone,Bunodosoma cavernata

Biological properties of a venom extract from the sea anemone, Bunodosoma cavernata.

Biochemical genetics of the sea anemone Bunodosoma cavernata and the zoogeography of the Gulf of Mexico


Fotheringham, Nick, and Susan B. Rothschild. Beachcombers Guide to Gulf Coast Marine Life: Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana & Texas. 2nd ed., Gulf Pub. Co., 1989. pp. 11

Miner, Roy Waldo. Field Book of Seashore Life. Putnam, 1950.