M-940 HORSE CONCH, Triplofusus giganteus


The largest gastropod in the Gulf of Mexico. It has a pointed shell and a huge orange foot making it a striking demonstration piece. Shell may be encrusted with a variety of worms, barnacles and bryozoans. Does not feed on clams, but feeds on other carnivorous gastropods. Size: up to 60 cm. long (smaller specimens shipped for aquarium) large, over 24 cm.

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They use their powerful, orange foots to smother and trap prey. They mostly feed on lightning whelks, tulip snails and other predatory snails


Found in the shallow waters of North Carolina to the Yucatan Peninsula.


Image result for Triplofusus giganteus"

(James St John, 2016)



Horse Conch

First Report of Cannibalism In Triplofusus giganteus (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae)

Abundance and Distribution of Large Marine Gastropods in Nearshore Seagrass Beds Along the Gulf Coast of Florida